AB-COM, s.r.o. has proudly achieved recognition from the National Information Center of the Slovak Republic as a "Socially Responsible Company," placing it among the distinguished 4.4% of Slovak enterprises to earn this prestigious award.

The creditworthiness model reflects the estimated probability and need for preventing insolvency. It takes into account key factors and potential risk sources, such as capital adequacy, annual performance, security collateral, financial history, liquidity, market conditions, payment ethics, and more.
This model serves as a tool for relative comparison of companies' creditworthiness within the Slovak Republic, it offers finer granularity in evaluations, enabling a more distinct differentiation of credit risk levels among the evaluated entities. It employs precise and systematic methodology, considering all relevant factors influencing a company's creditworthiness, which is verified over time and across various market segments.
As the leading product comparator in the Slovak and Czech markets, we conduct an annual survey to gauge consumer preferences. Based on this data, we compile a comprehensive ranking of the most sought-after products in various categories. Our evaluation factors in users' interests, purchase patterns in online stores, and overall product ratings.
The largest product comparator in the Slovak and Czech markets conducts an annual survey of consumer preferences, based on which it compiles a ranking of the most popular products in various categories. The evaluation of popularity is carried out based on users' interest in the product in online stores, the number of purchases in online stores, and overall product ratings.
In 2015, products in the category of satellite receivers were included in this evaluation, and right in the inaugural year, the AB CryptoBox 650HD satellite receiver was named the Product of the Year. he AB CryptoBox brand has consistently held the top position in the satellite receiver category, reaffirming its excellence and superiority year after year.

AB CryptoBox 650HD

AB CryptoBox 650HD

AB CryptoBox 650HD

AB CryptoBox 752HD Combo

AB CryptoBox 700HD

AB CryptoBox 752HD Combo

AB CryptoBox 750HD

AB CryptoBox 800UHD

AB CryptoBox 800UHD

AB Terebox 2T