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VU+ ZERO 4K (1x Single DVB-C/T2 tuner)

  • Product code: VU+ ZERO 4K DVB-C/T2
  • Brand: Vu+
  • Availability: Available
  • Weight: 1,59 kg (brutto)
  • AB points: by buying you get AB points
VU+ ZERO 4K (1x Single DVB-C/T2 tuner)
Your price 3 650,00 CZK
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VU+ ZERO 4K is a terrestrial and cable receiver with UHD resolution (4K) from the VU+ workshop. The device offers a DVB-T2/DVB-C tuner and is therefore ready for broadcasts in this standard as well. Digital terrestrial and cable receiver for UHD and HD TV and radio programmes. It includes one card reader and also a CI slot for inserting a decoding module. The heart of the receiver is an ARM DualCore processor with 2x 1500 MHz power. The flash memory has a respectable 4GB of eMMC and the RAM is 2GB of DDR4. On the back, there is an Ethernet port, HDMI 2.0, USB 2.0 and a port for connecting an external IR sensor. Option to add an external PVR Kit for recording to an external HDD storage.


  • 1 x Single DVB-C/T2 tuner
  • 1 x card reader
  • 1 x CI slot
  • 1 x Dual Core ARM, 2GB RAM and 4GB Flash
  • 1 x HDMI 2.0
  • 1 x RS232 via RJ11 connector
  • 1 x USB 2.0 (rear panel)
  • 1 x network card
  • 1 x S/PDIF optical digital audio output
  • Record programs to an external or network HDD
  • Mediaplayer, Plugins - Kodi, YouTube, CSFD, Samba, DLNA,...
  • Mediaplayer with wide support for audio and video formats
  • Apps for iOS and Android
  • Program switching in under 1 second
Výrobca Vu+
Operačný systém Enigma
Rozlíšenie UHD 4K
Flash 4 GB
Ethernet 100 MBPS
WiFi Externá USB (nie je súčasťou balenia)
Bluetooth Externý USB (nie je súčasťou balenia)
Napájanie NIE
Displej NIE
Digitálny audio SPDIF Optický
Analógový audio výstup NIE
Zdroj napájania Externý 12V
Čítačka kariet UNI
CI slot 1 x
Tuner NIE
Tuner terestriálný ÁNO
Tuner káblový ÁNO
HDMI vstup NIE
HDD Externý USB
FastScan FastScan
AllScan NIE
Počet dekódov. kanálov pomocou CI slotu 1 kanál
Transcoding Single transcoding
Dekódovanie videa 4kx2kp60 H.265
EAN 8809288541630


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