GARANTUJEME Vám najlepšie VO ceny! Pri zistení lepšej ceny Vám CENU DOROVNÁME!Odkaz na nižšiu cenu zadajte do poznámky počas objednávky.
AB PULSe 4K MINI SE (1x DVB-S2X tuner) is a receiver with UHD resolution and ENIGMA 2 operating system in a minimalistic and elegant design. A beautiful 4K resolution picture is a matter of course, as well as HDR/HDR10 and HLG picture standards. A quad-core processor with 15000 DMIPS, 8GB FLASH memory and 1GB DDR4 RAM take care of performance and agile responses. The receiver includes a built-in DVB-S2X tuner. The receiver's sleek and minimalist design will fit into any living room. On the front panel there is a status LED that indicates whether the receiver is on, off or in stand-by mode. You can adjust the intensity or switch it off completely. On the rear panel there is a built-in DVB-S2X satellite tuner, 1x card reader slot, 1x CI module slot, 1x microSD card slot, 1x USB 3.0, 1x USB 2.0. From the connector equipment you will also find S/PDIF optical digital audio output, Ethernet RJ45, IR extender for IR eye connection (located in the receiver package), power switch and input for external DC 12V-3A power supply. *pulse4kmini*
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