GARANTUJEME Vám najlepšie VO ceny! Pri zistení lepšej ceny Vám CENU DOROVNÁME!Odkaz na nižšiu cenu zadajte do poznámky počas objednávky.
Homatics Box R is one of the most powerful 4K multimedia devices on the market, turning an ordinary TV into a powerful smart TV. The operating system is the official Android TV 11. Fast response is taken care of by the powerful Amlogic S905X4 processor for faster speed and better user experience, which is supported by up to 2GB of DDR RAM and 16GB of eMMC Flash. It includes Google voice assistant, pre-installed YouTube, Netflix, Google play store, Prime Video, built-in chromecast and supports most used apps such as KODI, HBO GO, WatchTV, Antik TV, Magio GO, Skylink and more. The remote also doubles as a microphone for Google Voice Assistant. Homatics Box R will delight with excellent equipment and connectivity such as Ethernet connector, USB Type C, USB 3.0, USB 2.0, S/PDIF optical digital audio output, MicroSD card reader... *homatics* *boxr4k*
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